Press Releases for unclaimed funds

  • 459

    California Takes Aggressive Stance on Unclaimed Funds

    California is facing the biggest chunk of these unclaimed funds. Even state is facing large amounts of unclaimed money, however, California is facing the largest amounts. The unclaimed money vault in the State of California is growing rapidly and is currently one of the richest state treasuries in the U.S.

    By : | 07-04-2011 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 459

  • 448

    Unclaimed Money Scandal In Houston: Claim it Before Someone Else!

    Houston faces unclaimed money scandal! Like many other major cities in the U.S, the unclaimed money menace has also gripped the city of Houston. The office of the Controller is attempting to return almost $410,000 to the actual owners of these unclaimed funds. This unclaimed money belongs to the residents and business owners of Houston who have failed to make a claim to their unclaimed money.

    By : | 06-08-2011 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 448